Welcome to TC Locals in

Traverse City, Michigan

Saturday, February 8th 2025 — 10AM-4PM

Awaken Living Books Educational Conference would like to present a very LOCAL event, showcasing vendors, opportunities, speakers and resources in the Grand Traverse area.

February (for those in the north) is often a month in which the dark winter days start to take a toll on the mental, physical and emotional health of home educators. This all day conference is our way of combating this fatigue by providing encouragement, insights and perspective for home educating parents! Awaken Conferences in the past have been geared towards educators using the Charlotte Mason method—TC Locals is very intentionally designed for home educators of ANY philosophy.

We hope this brings light to you in this dark month!

See below for speaker info, workshop descriptions, vendors and MORE

Featuring Guest Speakers:

TC Local Vendor Shopping

  • When you homeschool with Classical Conversations, we connect you with a local community of like-minded families who not only learn together, but do life together. We equip homeschool parents with the confidence to raise bright, observant students who have a lifelong love of learning.

    Find out more about CC here →

  • Looking for a flexible K-12 homeschool-hybrid program with professional teachers and academic home-support? Look no further than Victory Alliance!

    Find out more here →

  • Sole will be selling copies of her book, description below:

    After Some Time is a bold memoir with thought-provoking questions and Scripture readings that will empower you to break the cycle of shame and secrecy. You will discover that you are not alone with the scars that trauma has left behind as you read real-life stories of women like you. These stories are centered around difficult topics that are all too common but rarely addressed in the church.

    This book will empower you to confront your if people knew secrets and release the control they have over your life.

    Find out more about Sole here →

  • Children’s Preservation Library (CPL) will be having a used book sale (living books of course)!

    100% of proceeds go towards CPL

    Find out more about Children’s Preservation Library here →

  • Sandra is an author and will be selling copies of her book

  • Our commitment to you is to provide the highest quality products using the purest ingredients, without the high price tag. We believe that everyone should have access to natural healing, which is why we ensure our products are affordable. Instead of focusing on massive markups, our mission is to create a massive impact and bring healing to homes around the world. Join our Eat2Live community and be part of a movement dedicated to health, healing, and making a positive difference.

  • ItWe are a small sustainable family farm set in a larger farm community in beautiful northern lower Michigan.

    Community is at the heart of our farm. Through the natural systems of the farm, we seek to build soil communities, a healthy environment for our family, and relationships in our greater community to provide great pasture-based food for those around us

  • Gorgeously hand illustrated books for sale!

    Find out more about Bower Books here →

  • A Christ-centered homeschool support group. www.teachtc.org

  • Fostering student’s gifts to glorify God through artistic excellence.


  • Nutritional Coaching and Hair Mineral Testing


  • A Workout Gym for Families!


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Saturday February 8th

Early Bird Tickets available November 1st - November 8th: $40

*Regular Tickets November 9th - February 5th: $45

Your ticket includes: Workshops, nourishing lunch, gourmet coffee and tea, access to vendor shopping, and encouraging talks from our speakers. *On-site childcare is available. Tickets sold separately. See below for more info.

9:30-10:00 AM

Where: Bible Baptist Church, 1915 Cass Rd, Traverse City, MI

Registration/Fill your coffee cups!

10:00-10:20 AM:

Opening Plenary

10:20-10:30 AM

Break - This time can be used to chat, browsing our vendors or refilling your coffee!

10:30 -11:30 AM

Workshop A (see descriptions below)

11:30 AM-12:00 PM

Vendors and Demos

12:00-1:00 PM

Lunch and Vendor Shopping

1:00-2:00 PM

Workshop B (see descriptions below)

2:00-2:30 PM

Vendor Shopping or Mingling

2:30-3:30 PM

Workshop C (see descriptions below)

3:40-4:00 PM

Closing Devotional

Workshop Descriptions

Attendees may choose one workshop from each A, B and C and will select their choices upon checkout.

  • Practical Strategies for Teaching Writing: From Pre-Writing to High School - Camy Lalonde

    Join this engaging workshop to explore a variety of practical strategies for teaching writing across different stages of your child’s education. We'll begin with pre- writing activities designed to nurture creativity and guide young learners in early writing stages. From there, we’ll delve into the essentials of elementary and middle school writing instruction, offering techniques to build strong writing habits. Finally, we’ll cover advanced strategies to prepare high school students for more sophisticated writing tasks. Whether you're homeschooling a young beginner or a seasoned high schooler, you’ll leave with actionable tips to enhance your teaching.

    Parenting and Teaching ADHD Learners - Sandra Little

    If you are homeschooling a child with ADHD, SPD, autism, or any special needs/high needs, you know the challenge it presents. Join local author and special needs homeschooling mom as she speaks on the topic of her children’s book, Little Snap’s Big Life. Sandra will share ideas and strategies, as well as invite discussion and questions to help you be successful in your homeschooling journey.

    Math Mapping - Cherish Tabberer:

    The purpose of Math is to help us “See the Unseen”. Math is one of the languages God uses to communicate with us. Math for many years has been deemed difficult, boring, not useful and something many homeschool parents easily can use an online or other sources for delegating the task of teaching this daunting subject. If we stop looking to “experts” to teach subjects such as Math and start taking ownership of our learning, we can redeem our own misguided Math memory and model attending and discover in the hidden patterns and designs God has placed in His creation. Workshop will focus on redeeming Math in the Christian home, resetting expectations for our understanding and application of Math, and describing how Math is a skill we practice in the strand of Logic and Reasoning. Critical thinking skills are crucial to the development of lifelong learning.

    Time Blocking: Budgeting Your Time - Beckie Simkins:

    A hands-on, interactive workshop exploring practical time blocking strategies to help maximize not only your homeschool day, but your entire day!  Time blocking is a powerful technique that can enhance productivity and create a structured, yet flexible, routine for you and your family.  Budgeting your time like you budget your finances!  We'll discuss how to identify your "bills," prioritize tasks & maintain a balanced schedule that accommodates learning, family time, personal growth & rest.  

  • Challenge to Pray Continually - Solé Wright:

    Rather than seeing prayer as a last resort, we are called to make it a priority in our daily lives. For a busy mother, it can feel nearly impossible to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). With the responsibilities of homeschooling, maintaining the home, and caring for the family, most of us feel as we don’t have margin for one more thing. In this workshop, we’ll discuss the value of daily prayer, the concept of praying continually, and discover ways to deepen your relationship with God throughout the day.

    Eat 2 Live - Jessica Hoogendoorn:

    How can we eat to get maximum nutrients from our food? Are there ways we can take the foods we use and maximize their nutrients and absorption? There are ways we can eat to heal as busy mamas and help our families thrive. Our kitchens can become our healing centers

    A Handbook for Homeschooling Your Dyslexic Child - Vicki Norris:

    In this workshop, Vicki will help you understand dyslexia and how you as a parent can spot characteristic warning signs in your young (and older) children. You will learn the reason these very bright children struggle to learn in a traditional pathway with traditional teaching methods. You’ll be given tools that you can use right away with your children to help them enjoy learning and begin to break this code we call our English language. You will hear her stories of homeschooling her own daughter, Audra, who has dyslexia and dyscalculia (the math counterpart to dyslexia), and the strategies Vicki used to help her now grown daughter not only learn to read, but to thrive in school and into her adulthood. This will be an interactive workshop where you will have the opportunity to tell some of your own story of struggling to teach your very bright child, and you’ll have opportunities to ask questions.

    Homesteading and Homeschooling - Jill Baker:


  • Wellness for the Busy Homeschooling Mom: Simple Strategies for Health and Balance - Camy Lalonde:

    Homeschooling can feel overwhelming, leaving little time for self-care, but your health matters too.

    In this workshop, you’ll learn essential strategies to stay well amidst the demands of home education. We’ll explore discipline, the power of routine, practicing moderation, improving body alignment, and finding ways to incorporate weight training and cardio into your daily life. These practical tips will help you build strength, increase energy, and avoid burnout—so you can thrive, not just survive, on your homeschooling journey.

    How to Teach History with Living Books (a guide to using TruthQuest History) - Beckie Simkins:

    TruthQuest History (TQH) asks two questions {the Big2Beliefs):  Who is God?  And who, then, is mankind?  TQH is not the “story of mankind” because mankind is not the prime force of the universe…God is!  He initiates; then we respond.  History is thus first what God does and says, and only secondly what people believe/do in response. 

    In this interactive workshop, learn how to utilize TQH to guide your student through history with the use of living books.  What are living books?  How do I choose the right book?  Do I need to complete each topic/subject in the guide?  How to finish the guide in a year?  These questions and more will be answered as well as an introduction to the Children’s Preservation Library – a Northern Michigan homeschooling resource gem – and the perfect pairing with TruthQuest History!!

    Teaching From Rest and Walking with God - Amy Belanger:

    Fall asleep while reading to your kids? Lost your motivation and drive for homeschooling, housework, hobbies, and relationships? This was me 7 years ago smack dab in the middle of my homeschooling journey. Join me as I share part of my journey and the tips and modalities that I applied to not only go from barely surviving to thriving in my home and school. Learning to teach from the gifts God placed in me and my children as well as resting in Him has been a huge shift for our family.

    Equipping our Kids for Success Beyond the Doors of our Homeschool- Rebecca Thomas:

     Become more equipped to empower your children with the essential, but often overlooked skills needed for success beyond the books and doors of your classroom! We will explore vital life skills and competencies that will prepare our kids for learning and Earning endeavors. From effective communication and problem solving to adaptability and collaboration, we will uncover the keys that unlock opportunities in social, academic, and professional settings. Learn how to foster independence, resilience, and a growth mindset, equipping your kids to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in various environments.

On Site Childcare

We are so excited to be able to offer childcare during our TC Locals Conference! We will have 3 vetted young women with years of nannying experience and red cross training on site to provide quality care, lots of fun and physical activity.

  • Children from 9 Months old to 10 years old are welcome.

  • Lunch is provided. If your child requires a special diet we ask that you bring a packed lunch.

  • Space is limited so don’t wait!