Reflections from Palm Beach
Dear Friends, this note has been a little overdue because it always takes me a few weeks to process a conference. First, my body recovers from the intensity, and second, my mind begins to process through comments and interactions, while I am catching up on all the things that were put on hold during conference week..
Awaken Palm Beach blessed me, as coordinator, because attendees made such a point to express how much they enjoyed the experience.
“Thank You” was heard so frequently, it filled my heart with gratitude
Liz, Emily and Nicole poured out an abundance of philosophy AND practical, experiential knowledge to immediately benefit each person. One common reflection heard was, “This is so simple! I have been making it too complicated.” Several others said, “I feel very confident now that I can do this.”
When Michelle spoke, there was much laughter, and then quiet when tears sprang to eyes, an overflow of hearts touched by Hope. She so capably reminded us that God started us on this journey, He continues with us, and we are strengthened by the knowledge of His goodness and how He is able to meet the depth of our every need. Beautiful Truth.
It was a Feast of Goodness. Our own feet were put into a bigger room as we learned more of what it means to use a Living Books Education.
I learned that FOMO is real for Home School Parents. So many requests for recordings of every single workshop! Did you know that over 25 workshops have been recorded at Awaken Traverse City? Access can be purchased through our Ticket Portal.
But nothing can replace an IN PERSON Conference. The fellowship, the feeling of being together with others who love books and want to learn, the knowledge that the Awaken Team is taking care of you for the day with good food, drinks, helpful bathroom items (seriously, every detail covered) and great speakers. Please join us in South Bend, April 12-13 OR Traverse City, July 26-27.